Pursuing sound policies for today and tomorrow

Institutional Transplantation and Reconfiguration of Incentive-Structures
This study is an attempt to analyze the process of the state-sponsored institutional transition in the newly-merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – from a traditional, tribal order to a rational, relatively liberal state-order. Relying on historical institutionalist framework, we address the following questions: Does institutional transplantation as a strategy to trigger an intended social change works invariably? And, how do the newly-established institutions in the tribal Pakhtun belt of Pakistan interact with the extant traditional institutions and customary practices of the local population? To answer these questions, we employ qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. Our major sources of evidence include focused group discussions, elite interviews, and personal observations. In the light of the data we collected from the field, we conclude: 1) that the newly instituted (relatively liberal) order – or at least some elements therein – is in conflict with an “ideal Pakhtun” tribal character of the newly-merged districts; and, 2) that majority of the indigenous population are disillusioned with the newly-instituted state-order: they question both the will and capacity of the state to actuate socioeconomic and political transformation of the tribal Pakhtun belt of Pakistan. In the light of our research findings, we propose that, besides forcefully asserting its sovereign rights to govern the newly-merged districts, the state needs to introduce several policy reforms in order to encourage democratic accountability, formalization and digitization of market, and strong civil society and professional organizations. We emphasize that these (and similar) policy measures will prove instrumental in (re)building (and maintaining) trust between the state and society; in transforming the structures of incentives in favor of the newly-instituted state-order; and, in inspiring the indigenous society and market get integrated with the rest of the country and beyond.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Newly Merged Districts: Stone Crushing Industry Between Hope & Dispair A qualitative study of Mines and Mineral Sector in District Khyber of Newly Merged Districts, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Pakistan has been the target of various intensities of war and terrorism since the events of 9/11. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its Newly Merged Districts (NMDs) have been most adversely affected where the economic system and social fabric is irreversibly damaged. In 2018, the NMDs were merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in an attempt to address this damage and bring the area at par with the rest of country. However, it has resulted in a variety of unforeseen consequences. This study was envisioned and undertaken after observing the refusal of local business community to accept the regulatory mechanism stipulated by the constitution of Pakistan. An extensive fieldwork with crush plant owner and staff and mine owners was undertaken to provide insights and suggestions for improving the situation. The results of the study are based on limited data collected from one important sector and are in no away a single or decisive view of the happening in NMDs. Yet, they provide a scientific understanding of the fragment of reality and give voice to the individuals who have been exposed to highly adverse conditions for decades. It is hoped that this study will initiate a series of efforts to understand, document and deliberate upon the regulations governing business environment in NMDs. It is hoped that the government along with policy makers, bureaucracy as well as international donor and human rights institutions will encourage scientifically valid and knowledge-based intervention in the region for its improvement.