
The Morality of capitalism

This book is about the moral justifi cation of what philosopher Robert Nozick called “capitalist acts among consenting adults.” It’s about the system of cooperative production and free exchange characterized by the predominance of such acts.

An introduction to trade and globalization

This book is a straightforward introduction to the principles, economics and politics of international trade. Written in plain language, it should appeal to intelligent readers who are interested in the principles underpinning the international economy and the public debate about how trade
is structured and managed. School and college students, as
well as those in business and public policy, should all find it useful.

an introduction to democracy

In this book the author Eamonn Butler defines democracy, explains its purposes, and shows the difference between genuine democracy and the many sham versions that currently exist.
He outlines the history of democracy and the benefits it brings. But he also points out the many myths about it that blind us to its limitations.
And he explains why it’s important to have a clear understanding of democracy – and how easily it can be lost or abused when people do not properly understand it. Importantly, he asks why so many people today have become disillusioned with democratic politics – and what, if anything, can be done about it.
This lucid and fascinating book provides a straightforward introduction to democracy, enabling anyone to understand it – even if they’ve never experienced it.

an introduction to economic inequality

If you could instantly make the world’s poor twice as rich – but at the same time make the world’s rich twice as prosperous – wouldn’t you do it? This intriguing question lies at the core of An Introduction to Economic Inequality.

foundations of a free society

The book Foundation of a Free Society written by British Economist Eamon Butler, explores effects of freedom on human life, society, economy, and culture. The book focuses on economic freedom, market economy, property rights, individual freedom, taxation, free trade, money, and rule of law.
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